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Preparing and Implementing EDI Training in Your Library
Introduction and Overview
Overview of the Course
Course Resources
Unit 1: Why EDI, and Why Now?
Welcome to Unit 1!
Watch/Listen/Read: "'Diversity' Is Losing Its Meaning—What Should We Say Instead?"
Watch/Listen/Read: "Eight Reasons Why We Need to Focus on Inclusion Rather Than Diversity"
Watch/Listen/Read: "The problem with that equity vs. equality graphic you’re using"
Watch/Listen/Read: "Where Do Our Minds Live?"
Watch/Listen/Read: "Access Ain't Inclusion"
Watch/Listen/Read: "Leading for Equity"
Application Activity: Self-Reflection
Application Activity: Implicit Bias Tests
Unit 2: Determining a Starting Point for Your EDI Training Journey
Welcome to Unit 2!
Online Session: The Value of Implementing EDI Training for All Staff (77:46)
Watch/Listen/Read: "4 Types of Learning Styles: How to Accommodate a Diverse Group of Students"
Watch/Listen/Read: "Diversity Training: What Works and What Doesn't"
Application Activity: Mapping Out Your Training
Unit 3: Developing Your Training
Welcome to Unit 3!
Online Session: Preparing and Implementing EDI Training (71:36)
Watch/Listen/Read: "Facilitating Necessary Spaces"
Watch/Listen/Read: "How to Create a Group Agreement"
Watch/Listen/Read: "SPL Word of the Month"
Watch/Listen/Read: "EDI Training Planning Document"
Watch/Listen/Read: "SPL Civic Lab Examples"
Watch/Listen/Read: "How to train employees to have difficult conversations"
Application Activity: Outlining Your Training
Unit 4: Putting It All Together and Moving Forward
Welcome to Unit 4!
Watch/Listen/Read: "Speaking Up Without Tearing Down"
Watch/Listen/Read: "Your Learning Hurts"
Watch/Listen/Read: "Project READY - Reimagining Equity & Access for Diverse Youth"
Watch/Listen/Read: "Self-Guided Curriculum: Race, Racism, and the American Experience"
Application Activity: Complete the Training Outline
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Watch/Listen/Read: "Access Ain't Inclusion"
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